Coping During COVID: How Life Span Counselors Help Clients

Life Span counselors Jasmine Steele and Ginni Doshi
53% of adults in the United States reported that their mental health has been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the coronavirus in a Kaiser Family Foundation survey conducted over the summer. We think the other 47% may have misunderstood the question.
How is the Life Span counseling team helping clients to survive abusers during a pandemic? New counselors Ginni & Jasmine joined Life Span this summer, and might be best equipped to describe Life Span counseling.
What was it like joining Life Span during a pandemic?
Jasmine – “I was an intern at Life Span in undergrad six years ago and I knew it was somewhere I desired to be a part of when I completed my Masters in Social Work. It feels like I belong here. We somehow still manage to (digitally) see everyone’s beautiful faces every week!”
Ginni – “The pandemic has created a “New Normal” for everyone…at first I felt uncertain about my choice of starting a new job. My uncertainty quickly dissipated by the immersion and inclusion of the counseling team at Life Span. Life Span is unique and truly practices the definition of being in a world of helping people.”
How do you help clients?
Jasmine – “I am a Domestic Violence Counselor at the downtown office so I help clients with counsel, education, and processing about the abuse they are/have experienced, as well as aid them with identifying and pursuing their goals. I also host a zoom group that serves as an opportunity for clients to connect with each other in a more casual space and talk through any stressors a s well as provide support to each other.”
Ginni – “I am a Domestic Violence Counselor in Life Span’s Des Plaines office. I assist my clients to manage the stress and anxiety of leaving the abusive life and starting an unknown new life of independence. I like to find customized solutions that are sustainable for my clients in their environment.”
What do you like the most about Life Span?
Jasmine – “I like that there are so many different people from different backgrounds in one space. I love that Life Span has been intentional about that. It makes Life Span itself so resourceful.”
Ginni – “I love my colleagues – our people make it a fun place to work. I also like the mission of Life Span. Helping people believe that they can fight the intimate partner violence, Life Span gives their clients that lifeline and confidence to live life on their own terms.”