Stalking refers to repeated harassing or threatening behavior towards a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fee fear. Stalking is serious, often violence and can escalate over time.
Stalking behaviors include:
Following and showing up at places the victim generally goes.
Sending unwanted gifts, letters, cards, emails, messages or texts.
Damaging the victim’s home, car or other property.
Monitoring the victim’s phone calls, online activity and other computer usage.
Using technology such as GPS systems, hidden cameras, etc. to track where the victim is and what the victim does.
Threatening to hurt the victim, victim’s family, friends or pets.
Researching information about the victim using public records, online search services, private investigators, going through garbage or by questioning people who know the victim.
Contacting victim’s family, friends, work, etc.
Spreading rumors about the victim either online or by word of mouth.
Other actions to control, track and frighten the victim.