Every year, 5 million children witness domestic violence.
Children from homes with violence are much more likely to experience significant psychological problems, both short and long term. Living in a domestic violent home alters children’s DNA and ages them 7-10 years.
Here are issues facing children exposed to domestic violence:
Increased aggression/anxiety
Increased distractibility and activity level
Increased withdrawal/apathy
Developmental regression
Repetitive talk or play about the event(s) – This symptom is associated with PTSD. Children may talk repetitively about a traumatic event or they will play out aspects of the event. This is the equivalent of the symptom of re-experiencing the trauma.
Intrusive thoughts, memories, and worries – These are equivalent of flashbacks. Children may experience sudden memories of the event or they may obsessively worry about its recurrence.
Domestic Violence with children is dangerous not only in the present but for the children’s future. Children who grow up in domestic violence are 74% more likely to commit a violent crime against something. And children of domestic violence are 3 time more likely to repeat the cycle in adulthood.