Future of Counseling

The Future of Counseling at Life Span

New Director of Counseling, Laura Valiukenas, with outgoing Director of Counseling, Margaret Luft.

Peggy Luft turns over the reins of Director of Counseling to Life Span’s Senior Counselor, Laura Valiukenas.

Laura joined Life Span in 2012. She was first stationed at Chicago’s Domestic Violence Courthouse, advocating for survivors in criminal court against their abusers.

Peggy began mentoring Laura shortly after she started; Peggy was Laura’s clinical supervisor as Laura earned her LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) credential.

In 2015, Laura began to focus on growing Life Span’s high school counseling program. “This was something my friends and I could have needed when we were in high school,” Laura explained, “I knew Life Span could fill that role.”

Laura recalls Peggy’s support: “Let’s try growing it and see how it goes! But be careful not to do too much…watch out for yourself!” advised Peggy at the time.

Laura listened, yet managed to grow Life Span’s services quickly from a program in just one school to services for 17 schools.

As Director of Counseling, Laura plans to continue to support her staff’s initiatives, as Peggy did for her. She also plans to continue Peggy’s emphasis on caring for co-workers as people: “She cares about staff personally. She gave assistance in processing things in our clients’ lives and went beyond that to care about us as people too,” explains Laura.